I have been listening to a Christian novel today. Some
things that have come out of this story to me that I felt I had to share.
As you know from reading my messages that I am a firm
believer in sharing the Word with all people, that we must go into the highways
and byways, in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.
I am also a firm believer in sharing the truth, so that
people are not left in sin. I believe that it is the Truth that sets them free,
that Jesus is the Truth and the Life, that he who the Son sets free is free
What became very real in listening to this book that too
many people get caught up in religion, that seminaries, (or as they were
referred to in Bible College – cemeteries) teach a very religious way of
knowing the Bible, and how to teach it.
It reminded me of something I have heard all through life
and it is a principle that works in all areas of life, K.I.S.S. – Keep It
Simple Stupid. I don’t appreciate the last word but the thought behind these
four words is true. Keep things simple, keep it so everyone will understand.
Don’t complicate things by using big words, keep your language on the level of
the person you are speaking with. Even if they are highly educated don’t use
big words.
Jesus came with a simple message that everyone could
understand. He reminded the religious folk of His day that God didn’t
appreciate how they had complicated things, how they had made it difficult for
people. He reminded them that God loved everyone, not just the high and mighty.
Jesus reminded them that they couldn’t take their
possessions with them. He told them it was better that they go and sell it all.
Think for a moment folks, do you get anything out of a message
filled with “million” dollar words?
Jesus spoke to those who were high class, medium, low class,
He spoke with teachers, religious leaders, fisherman, farmers, thieves, tax
collectors, Romans, sick people and more. He spoke to them in a way that they
would understand.
This book I listened to was highly educated people
discussing how to share the Gospel with a person who wasn’t educated beyond
high school. Their discussion used a lot of “million” dollar words. Yet,
thankfully the one who started the discussion by asking how to share the Word,
because they never had before, they said all of that is not going to be
Folks when answering the call, when sharing the Word, one to
one, or with a group. Whether it is one person, 50 or thousands of people. Keep
your language simple. Don’t try to impress people with your education, teach
the from the heart. Teach them from the Jesus you know, not from the Jesus
people preach from a pulpit. So many preachers speak from their education, not
from a real knowledge of Jesus.
Jesus has sent the Teacher that we need to get the Word to
the people that need to hear it and thru the Teacher, the Holy Spirit we will
be given the words to share,
Folks be real in sharing the word. Don’t think you have to
sound like you have been to a seminary, speak like you are holding a
conversation with a friend. Let the Holy Spirit speak thru you, allow the Lord
Jesus to speak thru you. It is no longer I who live but Jesus who lives in me.
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